Why should the daily life of a person with a disability be an obstacle course? How can we improve the independence of people with disabilities?
In the MISSION ACCESSIBLEtelevision show, Rosalie, Damien and Kéven— young citizens engaged living with a disability – patrols city and regions to highlight barriers to independence of people like them in several areas such as recreaction, transport, work, tourism, etc. During their respective missions on the ground, three members of the squad meet participants(speakers), experts, storekeepers, decision-makers and influenceurs to sensitive them in the theme or in the aimed problem. Together, they try to find constructive and applicable solutions. These concrete experiments which establish too often real challenges, show with simplicity and humor the real-life absurd and frustrating situations usually by a person having a handicap.
In the headquarters of
MISSION ACCESSIBLE, while one of the three goes on the ground, two other members explore in studio by Internet, telephone, Skype, etc., subjects related to the mission and they announce the results of their researches. Furthermore, they follow on TV the evolution of the mission lead by their colleague and react to it spontaneously.
The agents of the MA Squad live with a different handicap: Rosalie has a hearing deficiency she is active in the sector of the arts, the dance and the television. Damien who actively looks for a job in social work, has a loss of total vision and
. Keven, the pillar of the team due to its experience in journalism and in TV animation, has a motor disabilities.